Eugene K. Martin conveyed property on Windy Mansion Road to Thomas M. Laudenslager and Katie M. Laudenslager for $120,000. ColumbiaBorough. Northwest Savings Bank conveyed 476 Walnut St. to Jennifer B. Kreiser& ...
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Eugene, Oregon Apartments. Looking for a new apartment in Eugene, OR? All of the apartments in Eugene have been listed on this page. Call or visit any of the Eugene, Oregon apartment complexes listed here to find your new& ...
- Yugeniy Mirvis, also known as Eugene Mirvis, and Asya Mirvis, Gaithersburg, Md., to Hilton R. Miller, North BrunsÂwick, N.J.; two parcels in RoarÂing Brook Twp. for $180,000. - Quinta J. ... - George A. Palecco, 217 Morgan Manor Drive, Scranton; $1,904.68. - John and ... - Thomas J. and Daria J. Robinson, 1902 Applewood Acres, South Abington Twp.; $882.46. - John P. ... - George Hawke, Apt. 8, 212 N. Main Ave., Scranton; $3,955.39. - Rose& ...
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Eugene K. Martin conveyed property on Windy Mansion Road to Thomas M. Laudenslager and Katie M. Laudenslager for $120,000. ColumbiaBorough. Northwest Savings Bank conveyed 476 Walnut St. to Jennifer B. Kreiser& ...
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